Dear Customers,

Most delighted for your valuable time in visiting our website.

Since the establishment of our company in 1976, we have come a long way in manufacturing progress, added with encouragement and support from our many valued customers, we have now become a quite substantial and well managed enterprise. In addition, our factory was certified ISO9001 since 2009.

Manufacturing plant located in mainland China, we have two tanneries employing some 1,000 workers, producing 600,000 skins of cowhide leather (2 million square feet); 150,000 skins of goatskin leather (1 million square feet); and 1,000,000 skins of deerskin leather (10 million square feet) per annum. In addition, we have three leather glove factories employing 800 workers making different types of gloves, for example, drivers, riggers, mechanics, sports gloves, ski gloves, etc.

You are cordially invited to join us to become a long term business and working partner, in return you are assured a better quality, pricing level and delivery, with our mutual efforts we shall achieve a better tomorrow.

Best wishes and best of health to everyone from all of us at Luen Fat Glove Factory Ltd.

Sincerely yours,

Lam Chung

President of Luen Fat Glove Fty. Ltd. 

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